Well Chlorination

Well Chlorination

Steps outlining Well Chlorination (Shock) Process

What WE are responsible for:

  1. Locate well head (a chlorination can only be performed on an exposed well head that meets local code)
  2. Fill a clean pail with clean water and add a cup of chlorine.
  3. Disconnect power to the well pump
  4. Remove well cap and any debris in and around well head
  5. Add a mixture of vinegar, liquid chlorine and chlorine tablets down the well
  6. Pour mixture from step 2 down the well 
  7. Re-secure well cap and conduit
  8. Re-connect power to well pump
  9. Wait time - Roughly 15-20 minutes - -Allows the solutions to disperse and allows tablets to dissolve.
  10. Connect garden hose to a spigot either on the well tank or outside on the house
  11. Run water from the hose until chlorine can be smelled or test strips show presence of chlorine

At this point we, the service providers, have completed our portion of the chlorination. The next steps will outline what your remaining duties are.

What You Are Responsible For?

  1. Once chlorine has been detected within the system: all fixtures in the house should be run, hot and cold water, until chlorine is detected. I.E. Sinks, showers, toilets, dishwashers ect...
  2. Now that there is chlorine throughout the plumbing in the house, no water should be used for consumption or laundry for 8 to 12 hours. You may flush toilets and wash your hands. This is known as ''Contact Time'' and is actively sterilizing the water's infrastructure in your home.
  3. After the ''Contact Time'' has expired, you will want to purge the system of the chlorine solution. This can be done by simply running a garden hose outside for 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off until the chlorine can no longer be smelled. It is highly recommended to use litmus paper test strips to be sure there is zero chlorine residual left. The lab will decline any sample with chlorine.
  4. Finally after step 3, your well water is now able to be tested. Do not consume the water until the lab has deemed the water potable. 
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